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Our Christmas MixTape - Not Criminally Overplayed

Christmas time is meant to be a jolly, festive season. Unfortunately, by the time I get through December to Christmas Day, I’m already sick of it. I’m not talking about the usual excessive alcohol consumption while socializing, nor the blatant consumerism eating my soul slowly away during the time we meant to be spiritual. I’m talking about the Christmas music. The predictable selection pouring out of the speakers in the shops, pubs and other public spaces kills the celebratory mood of a sensitive person like me. By the second social outing every year, my ears begin to bleed after hearing “Last Christmas” for the millionth time already. It’s a good song; don’t get me wrong, but sadly its artistry has been removed by being criminally overplayed.

             Therefore, in order to help myself to stay in rather stable holiday mood until Christmas, I come up with my own alternative soundtrack for the festive season. I also share it with my friends to spare them some pain of hearing the same songs over and over again. If that’s not what Christmas is about, then I don’t what is it about. So here we have it - this year’s collection of winter-December-Christmas related songs wrapped in a big, red ribbon. Some old, some new. Some sad, some jolly. Some classics, some nuggets. Hope you will find it as calming as I do. Let’s keep the cheer going!

Happy Christmas!

Piotrek | NoSnobsAllowed